Tuesday, May 28, 2013
TEXT: PSALM 68:1-10
Key Verse : “But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice” (Psalm 68:3).
This was the true condition of the psalmist, from our text, one of the gems which Charles H. Spurgeon captured as “the treasure of David.” The psalmist had always considered God’s power as awesome. He believed that God could scatter the enemies of righteousness. He, therefore, requested that He should arise to scatter all who are united against His plan and purpose.
The text equally indicated that God seems to permit His enemies to do whatever they would just for a season, especially when the righteous do not pray. But when God declares His power against them, it would be for the salvation of His people. The psalmist noted that as smoke is driven away, so would God get rid of the enemies, who fume with pride, malice, arrogance and defilement. They would faint for fear and their hearts would melt like wax in the fire.
The psalmist, therefore, implored the righteous to always be glad and extol the Lord for defending the defenseless. He blesses the earth with rain, gives children to those who are barren. So, it is the duty of God’s people to pray and praise Him so He could rise to their rescue and redemption. How best are you utilising this opportunity?
Key Verse : Pray and praise God with a thankful heart.