Monday, January 05, 2015
Key Verse: "For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it" (Proverbs 8:11).
If men would prioritize on seeking true wisdom than they search for money and worldly possession, our world would be the better for it. The discovery of Solomon, the wisest man in the Old Testament who spent all his life amassing wealth and earthly possessions that all amount to vanity presents a great lesson from the text.
"Wisdom is better than rubies " he declared. Wisdom, instruction and knowledge of God are to be preferred above silver and gold. Wisdom gives strength and discretion that makes the possessor act right. It saves from self conceit, pride, arrogance and delusion. Wisdom delivers and preserves one from evil and equips the possessor with creative abilities for better living. While wealth does not make one wise, wisdom brings greater riches. This is why it is preferable. The source of wisdom matters.
Wisdom that manifests in sinful attitude to outwit others or destroy them is devilish and undesirable. Life-enriching wisdom flows from only one source, Jesus Christ, who is Wisdom personified. To have this wisdom, one has to be willing to empty oneself of self conceit, deception and perversion. There must be the willingness to turn away from all worldly wisdom which focuses only on self. In humility, you must accept your folly, admit your nothingness and be willing to be made rich by Christ. This simply requires true repentance and simple faith in the Lord Jesus.
Besides, you need to continue to abide in Christ and take the Bible as your most valued asset on earth. The more you read it, the wiser you become. You also need to constantly draw from the deep knowledge and wisdom of God's appointed ministers in corporate fellowship and Bible study so as to continue to grow.
If men in the world make a lot of sacrifices in search of perishable riches, we need to do more to get divine wisdom which is far better than gold!
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Get wisdom, get wealth.
Higher Everyday for Youths - Link:
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