Tuesday, January 06, 2015
Key Verse: "And I, brethren, when Icame to you, came notwith excellency of speechor of wisdom, declaringunto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:1,2).
Many times, we wonder why we make much efforts in evangelism with little or no result. The reason is that like the marketers, we spend so much time trying to impress sinners with our knowledge of Scriptures instead of giving them the simple message of Christ's love and offer of salvation.
At other times, it is our motive in evangelism that is wrong. Instead of preaching the simple gospel truth of the necessity of the new birth for everyone, we try to win an argument on the superiority of our religion or denomination over those of others.
It is even more repulsive to see that self projection, gain and glory appears to be driving force of many so-called gospel campaigns. A look at their advertisements and publicity will show that they, not Christ, are at the centre of attraction. When they give out invitations, it is not to come to Christ but to come to them. It is not any wonder then that though it appears that more gospel works are going on all over the places, there is little or no impact.
If we are to succeed in our soul-winning efforts, we must follow the example of Paul the apostle revealed in our text. His intention for preaching is very clear: to have men saved. His goal was to make the declaration of the gospel message very simple for people to understand. He never tried to use the enticing words of men's wisdom or impress by preaching what the people would love to hear.
He preached the truth of the necessity of salvation through repentance and faith in Christ's death. When nothing but Christ is plainly preached, genuine and heaven minded converts will be won.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The saving gospel is simple.
Higher Everyday for Youths - Link: http://highereveryday.dclmhq.org/
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