Sunday, January 12, 2015
Key Verse: “If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself: but if thou scornest, thou alone shalt bear it” (Proverbs 9:12).
It is the punishment placed on offenders of our laws that helps to abate, to a great extent, the spate
of crime and civil disorder in the society. The unregenerate, sinful man deceives himself by believing
that obeying God’s word or respecting civil government is doing favour to God or society. He counts it a loss to himself not to indulge in fleshly sin. He takes sin as sport, thinking he can have the pleasure of sin and avoid the consequences or shift them altogether to some other person.
In our text, we see that vices and virtues neither corrupt God nor change Him. Man is the ultimate sufferer of the outcome of his sin. In fact, the consequences of sin or righteous behaviour may truly affect fellow men, but the greater effects of them are reaped by the doer. Living out the Word for others to see may bring about changes in the lives of others. In the final analysis however, the benefit of godliness is more to the doer.
In the same vein, if we continue to live in sin, we behave unwisely. Sickness and premature death will be the outcome of such a lifestyle while righteousness and holy living will prolong the lives of children of God. In the end, the righteous will be able to stand before the Son of God in heaven.
Sin is enticing and its effects are very dangerous. One sin leads to another until the sinner becomes inextricably entwined. Consider the consequences of sin today and deliver your soul like a deer escaping the hunter’s hound. It is wise to confess your sin and surrender your life to Jesus now. He will have mercy and save you.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: It is wisdom to forsake sin and preserve the soul.
Higher Everyday for Youths - Link:
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