Saturday, January 03, 2015
TEXT: JOHN 1:1-9
Key Verse: "That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world" (John 1:9).
The importance of sunlight is obvious to everyone. It melts frozen items, reveals hidden objects and helps plants, on which the healthy maintenance of man's and animals lives critically depend, to produce their food and thrive. As great as the sunlight may be useful to the world, Jesus offers to the world a light that is incomparably greater in power and relevance to human life.
Our text opens with the deity of Jesus. He is the Eternal One who coexists with the Father. He is the Word, the Creator and the Light. As the Eternal One, He lives forever. As the Creator, He made all things. As the Light, He shines in darkness, and as the Word, He sustains the universe. Christ, the Light is so bright that all the darkness in the world put together cannot overcome Him. John was sent to bear witness of that "Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world" (John 1:9). The Light the Jews have rejected is being offered to as many as desire to become children of God.
A world without Christ is a dark one. Darkness obscures the truth, breeds corruption and evil. God, in His love, does not want us to grope any longer nor stumble in the dark; hence Jesus, the Light of the world has been revealed. As the rays of sunlight melt the thickest of ice, so does the light of Christ melt the mountains of men's sins if allowed to shine in their hearts. While many reject the light, others are pleased with just a spark from a matchstick.
We all have a choice. Which do you prefer: To remain in the dark or come into the light of Christ? He is the One that "lighteth every man that cometh into the world." Come to the Light today.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Christ's illumination is without comparison.
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