Wednesday, February 11, 2015
TEXT: RUTH 4:1-12
Key Verse: “And Boaz said unto the elders, and unto all the people, Ye are witnesses this day, that I have bought all that was Elimelech’s, and all that was Chilion’s and Mahlon’s, of the hand of Naomi” (Ruth 4:9).
There are people who will want to justify their deeds of dishonesty or their breach of protocol and due process on the ground that they had good intentions. But we know that good and charitable intentions do not in any way justify dishonesty or failure to follow due process. Noble men are distinguished by their desire to keep a clean record in all their actions. Boaz was such a man.
Though he had taken personal interest in Ruth and wished to help her have a new lease of life, he determined to do things in the right way. Though he had the right to redeem what belonged to Elimelech and marry Ruth as a near kinsman, he knew there was someone who was more entitled to it than himself; he was prepared to allow the man exercise his right. Boaz did not try in any way to use his influence and wealth to lobby the elder over. He allowed a level playing ground for the two of them.
Many people with the position and influence of Boaz would have done otherwise today. They would stop at nothing to eliminate an obvious rival. They will blackmail, threaten, bribe, lobby and even intimidate their opponents to have their way. But Boaz manifested wisdom and patience in handling the matter. Had he gone ahead to marry Ruth without following due process, he would have attracted huge criticism and curse upon himself.
How do you handle matters of personal interest to you? Do you try to manipulate others in order to have your way? Are you very honest and plain in all your dealings? In your place of work, do you follow due process in every transactions even with those you have vested interest? Do you take advantage of a loophole in a system to cheat your organization or others? Impatience, refusal to apply wisdom in sensitive matters and follow due process either in the family, church or workplace can result in serious problems. Honest intentions do not dread public scrutiny.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Good intentions do not justify dishonesty.
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