Sunday, August 30, 2015
KEY VERSE: “But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil” (Matthew 5:37).
Traveling on a plane next to a salesman, Billy Graham asked him, “Are you paid anything for all the swearing you do?” “No,” was the startled reply, “I do it for nothing.” “Nothing?” cried the famous preacher. “You work cheap! You throw aside your character as a gentleman, inflict pain on your friends, break the Lord’s commandments, and endanger your own soul - and all for nothing! You certainly work cheap - TOO CHEAP!” Yes, swearing is not only a “cheap” practice in many ways, but also a terrible sin which grieves the heart of God!
Jesus, in our text, lifted all conversation in His Church to the level of sacredness. Everything we say out of our mouths should be a promise of truth that will never be violated under any circumstances. We should have such integrity that’s enough for people to hear our affirmation of yes or no and believe it to be so. Everything we say should be simple, straightforward, honest and true. When we speak the truth in every situation, it will set us apart from the world.
The world’s system is built on lies. The Church must be different. It all dates back to our childhood when we were kids. Telling the truth sometimes demanded that we swear. That kind of swearing and giving oaths is really a device of man based upon his basic dishonesty.
Hear what the venerable George Whitefield has to say about swearing: ”Among the many heinous sins for which this nation is grown infamous, perhaps there is no one more crying, but withal more common, than the abominable custom of profane swearing and cursing. Our streets abound with persons of all degrees and qualities, who are continually provoking the holy one of Israel to anger, by their detestable oaths and blasphemies...” We must put an end to swearing and cursing if we ever wish to be tolerated in His presence.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The world is a system built on lies.
Higher Everyday for Youths - Link:
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