A Daily Devotional Guide - Daily Manna sets out to provide spiritual nourishment for those who are truly committed to seeking God and walking closely with Him. It's an extraction of God's word, and mainly serves to draw the sincere seeker closer to God on a daily basis.


TOPIC: God That Gives And Gives

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Key Verse: “Moreover I said unto the king, If it please the king, let letters be given me to the governors beyond the river, that they may convey me over till I come into Judah” (Nehemiah 2:7).

Everything we need for abundant kingdom life and blissful eternity with God has been provided in His holy word. This leaves us with no excuse of spiritual poverty or want of the fullness of divine blessings.

In our text, Nehemiah, for the good of his fatherland, asked king Artaxerxes for permission to build the walls of Jerusalem. No sooner had this primary request been granted than he presented a number of others that were supposed to make the first approval worthwhile. His bold and courageous faith was honoured as he had all his requests granted by the king.

God does not answer any thoughtless prayer. If we ask anything according to His promise and will, He will answer with speed. We are in danger of playing into the hands of our enemy the devil, if, when we lack solution to our needs and problems in life, we feel our requests to God need to be moderately presented. God never reprimands us for the frequency or great volumes of our requests as men would do. He rather chides us for our unbelief. God wants us to ask, but in faith. He gives us according to His riches. We will not enjoy much of His blessings if we do not ask at all. Yet, the best of His blessings are reserved for those who exercise faith in His omnipotence.

It is one of our privileges as Christians that we do not only go to God for what we daily need, but whenever a particular emergency or difficulty arises in the lives of others or neighbourhood, we may bring it before His throne, and we have the assurance that He will hear us. Therefore, if you want to receive and keep on receiving, then pray, pray and pray. God will answer in the fulness of time.


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: He will live with commonplace blessings who knows not how to ask.

Higher Everyday for Youths - Link: http://highereveryday.dclmhq.org/

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