Saturday, January 17, 2015
TEXT: JOSHUA 10:38-43
Key Verse: “And all these kings and their land did Joshua take at one time, because the LORD God of Israel fought for Israel” (Joshua 10:42).
Martin Luther was the catalyst of the reformation movement when Christians were brought back to trust God for their salvation. He was also an accomplished musician who taught the people a Christian song titled, “A mighty Fortress is our God.” This song, for centuries, has continued to move Christians to trust God and to accomplish great things no matter how difficult their challenges might be.
Joshua was commanded by God to destroy the enemy nations because of their evil and adulterous ways. Joshua who was a military leader captured their kings and utterly exterminated the inhabitants of the land. He continued his victorious campaign, conquering and destroying all nations that were marked for destruction.
God’s purpose for conquering and destroying these wicked nations must not be misunderstood. He was cleansing the land of evil and pollution, so that the Israelites whom He planned to become a channel of righteousness to the rest of the world, could settle there without any contamination. The wicked nations deserved what they got because they deviated from the righteousness of God and His holy precepts.
Like Joshua of old, when the Spirit of God is bringing conviction upon our hearts to mortify every work of the flesh, we must cooperate with Him. When God orders us to eliminate sin and all evil practices sinners engage in, we must not consider any other option. We must obey Him unreservedly. Strict obedience to God’s admonitions and precepts makes us to escape His judgment.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Clear the heart from all uncleanness and let the Holy Spirit dwell there
Higher Everyday for Youths - Link:
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