Wednesday, January 07, 2015
Key verse: "I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and became great" (Daniel 8:4).
Christ Jesus hath the power, the power to destroy, the power to bruise your enemy, who would your soul annoy, Christ Jesus hath the power, when on your dying bed to give your soul the victory, the power to raise the dead".
These lines are from a song that is meant to reassure believers in Christ of the unconquerable power of Christ Jesus. In life, there are many problems that appear insurmountable.
All through the ages, men have arisen to be a terror to their fellow men. They roll out oppressive policies that draw tears from the eyes of fellow citizens. They operate as if they have the power of life and death because nobody can stop them.
King Pharaoh of Egypt in Moses time was in this mould. He oppressed the Jews so cruelly that it appeared there would never be any respite. Day and night, the people of God were told to make bricks without straws being provided for them. They toiled and groaned while the enemy pushed furiously. But that display of brute power and sheer wickedness terminated at the Red Sea. Israel got their freedom, while Pharaoh and his men perished.
In today's text, Daniel saw some visions of rams, one of them exercising formidable power, "pushing westward and northward and southward" so that no beast might stand before him. But a hegoat demystified the ram. The he-goat cast the ram down to the ground and stamped upon him, and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand (verse 7).
Believers must put their faith in the Almighty who alone has the ultimate power to throw down all the seeming formidable power of the enemy. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus has the power to destroy every strongman or evil personality no matter the forces behind him. Trust Him always, no matter how grave the challenges you face may be.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The brighter you see, the faster you move.
Higher Everyday for Youths - Link:
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