Thursday, January 08, 2015
Key Verse: "And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so" (Genesis 1:15)
What will the earth look like without the sun that sustains its ecology? Scientists have not relented in their efforts at unravelling the mysteries behind the sun, though they have difficulties appreciating the spiritual significance of Christ as the Light of the world.
A clear understanding of the gospel truth which portrays the Lord as the Sun of righteousness to those who are groping in spiritual darkness and ignorance will make the truth about creation clearer.
In the believer's life, light figures as a distinguishing factor between the old life of indulgence and darkness and a new life that is full of the marvellous light of Christ (Ephesians 2:1-3). Just as the sun is an unrivalled fountain of light upon mankind, so is our Lord Jesus Christ the principal Source of spiritual light in the world (John 8:12). Motions made without Christ will result in groping and stumbling in the dark. The prominence and permanence of the sun exemplifies Christ's continual and outstanding domination of our lives through His righteousness that constantly radiates in us.
It is time to expose your life to increased rays and powerful impact of Christ's righteousness. For, He is the brightness of the Father's glory (Hebrews 1:3). Also, allow your light to illuminate someone else today. Do good to them, the greatest of which is to expose them to the gospel light.
Arise and shine! Do not try to separate from Christ who is the Light of the world. Such a decision will lead to living in darkness of sin and imprisonment by the devil. Your spiritual light will continue to glow as long as you abide in Jesus.
It is as you remain sincerely attached to Him that you will be able to illuminate the darkened world around you and bring glory to Christ.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: A city set on a hill cannot be hid.
Higher Everyday for Youths - Link:
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