Thursday, February 05, 2015
Key Verse: “Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured” (Proverbs 13:18).
People miss their best in life because they deliberately choose to turn deaf ears to instructions. The text says it all; that God has not destined anyone to be rich or poor. He has set out clear principles in His word to guide us to get the best in life. If we choose to obey these instructions, then we will enjoy life. But if we ignore them and choose to go our own way, we are responsible for whatever we get.
It is however not uncommon to hear some people complain that life has been unfair to them. They blame their unfortunate lot in life on fate and unjust treatment of others to them. They are not able to explain why they cannot make ends meet and tend to become bitter that nobody is helping out. The truth however is, our lot in life, whether we are poor or rich, is our choice. It is not what fate or anybody else has forced on us.
The passage sets out principles for us. If we associate with the wise and take wise decisions, we too will be wise. But destruction will come to those who keep company with the fools. Those who live in sin will only be hunted by evil whether the sin is secret or open.
How are you obeying the instructions of the Lord? Are you diligent and hardworking or do you loaf around in idleness and laziness? Are you wise in your spending, making plans for your future and those of your children or squander all that you have for the moment? Do you take time to give your children godly training and necessary preparations for the future, or leave them to do whatever they like? Are you faithful to God in following His instructions on tithing and giving to others or you are tight-fisted, gathering much but tending to poverty?
Invariably, what you choose to do determines what you choose to have. Begin to do the right things today. Seek and follow good instructions and your life will be the best for it.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: What we choose is what makes or mars us.
Higher Everyday for Youths - Link:
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