A Daily Devotional Guide - Daily Manna sets out to provide spiritual nourishment for those who are truly committed to seeking God and walking closely with Him. It's an extraction of God's word, and mainly serves to draw the sincere seeker closer to God on a daily basis.


TOPIC: Path Finder

Friday, February 06, 2015
TEXT: JOHN 1:35-45

Key Verse: “He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ. And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone” (John 1:41,42).

We are often eager to introduceour friends and relations to individuals whose company we have enjoyed. This is common in normal life; it ought to be in the spiritual.

In our text, Andrew, having found Jesus and heard Him speak, followed Him. Afterwards, he took the good news to his brother, Simon Peter. Likewise, Philip on finding Christ, invited Nathaniel to meet Him. He was not discouraged by Nathaniel’s cynicism and skepticism.

Our sphere of influence includes our relatives, friends and neighbours. The Lord expects us to reach out to them with the message of love and deliverance. To be able to effectively convince them to come to Christ, we must show, through our lives, that we have flourishing relationship with Him. Our message and manner of presentation should be simple. Christ is ever ready to deliver and save as many as are willing to turn from sin and Satan to Him.

If you have turned from your sinful ways to Christ, you must tell others about His love and saving power. You need to handle the task with utmost urgency, dogged persistence and firm conviction. No price should be considered too high to pay, no sacrifice too great to make, and no problem too big to confront for the salvation of the lost. Have you found Jesus? Then, tell the good news to others. They need Him too!

Telling others about Christ is the sacred duty we owe our friends, neighbours, relatives and peers. If you speak to the one next to you and I relate to the one next to me, in no time at all, we will reach the world for the Saviour through the gospel.


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: He who wins souls is wise.

Higher Everyday for Youths - Link: http://highereveryday.dclmhq.org/

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